About Us

about us

We Are a Team

Erhabor “Obas” Obakpolo has being writing and creating stories for over a decade bringing his creative ideas to life. His interests in acting started at a young age while living in Nigeria. He acted in church plays and modeled in fashion shows in high school and in college. Upon his arrival to the United States, Obas’s desire to make his way in the film Industry grew stronger, and he auditioned for a few acting and modeling agencies. During this time, his creative mind and passion for creating stories led him to writing and completing his first movie script, “Irish Lang.” Obas’ journey from aspiring writer to established scriptwriter is a testament to talent, perseverance, and dedication. With a passion for storytelling and a knack for crafting compelling narratives, has been nothing short of remarkable. From his humble beginnings, honing her skills through late-night writing sessions and countless rewrites, to now, Obas is on his way to secure his first major movie deal in Nollywood!. The film is titled “Revenge” and was filmed in Nigeria with top billing actors such as Chidi Mokeme, Kate Henshaw, Ali Nuhu, Nosa Rex, Chimezie Imo, Mike Folarin, Segun Arinze, Tina Mba, Nobert Young and Director, Dimeji Ajibola. Obas debuts as the executive producer, story creator and producer 2 nd assistant director. This film project is poised to make noise not only in Nollywood by here in the United States!

About OBSTREAM Media

Where stories come to life!

At OBSTREAM MEDIA, our goal is to create stories, write scripts, and produce and direct film projects! We believe in the power of storytelling to inspire, entertain, and connect people from all walks of life. Founded by Erhabor “Obas” Obakpolo, our mission is to create captivating film that resonate with audiences and leave a lasting impression.


Our team of talented writers, editors, and creatives are passionate storytellers with diverse backgrounds and experiences that allows us to craft engaging stories across various genres and formats. What sets us apart is our commitment to authenticity, creativity, and innovation. We believe that every story is unique, and we take pride in bringing our clients' visions to life while infusing our own creative flair. We’re here to help you tell your story in the most impactful way possible..


Meet our video directors

Our team is made up of experienced and talented filmmakers who share a common goal

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